You will receive a confirmation mail once your order is confirmed.
Order once confirmed can not be CANCELLED
Return and exchange (We offer return or exchange only if)
A wrong product has been dispatched and in the event that it does not match the product confirmed.
If you identify any quality or manufacturing defect on the received products.
If the product received is in a damaged condition. You can write to us at email us your order number and details along with a photo of the damage if possible, within 24-48 hours of receiving the order.Damage will be assessed and a solution will be offered. The product may be replaced or other measures may be taken to address the issue.
We will arrange a reverse pickup of the product within 2-3 working days after the return is approved.
If a Product returned is duly accepted, the value of such product, as originally paid by you will be refunded to you. Refund will be processed within 7-21 working days through the same mode of payment by which the payment was made to The Greige Warp for the purchase of the items.